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December's APAC Mini Lab: Networking

Hosted by members of our amazing APAC team.

On the 2nd of December, we had the pleasure of hosting the fourth installation of LanciaConsult’s Mini Lab, hosted by members of our amazing APAC team, and centered on the theme of Networking.  

Previous sessions have given attendees the opportunity to digest and discuss various topics, such as; Agile, Personal Branding, and Time Management.

Our most recent session was excellently led by Alan Ang with support from Jeff Cronkshaw and Chun Seong Lim, kick-started with a quick check-in with the team, to garner what comes to mind when they hear about networking, in order to get a sense of what they hope to learn from the session. The feedback that was received focussed on wanting to understand networking techniques, how to break the ice, and how to approach people with confidence–as well as taking an appropriate follow up.  

The session was outlined with four objectives:

  • Understanding how to establish a good network from your connections
  • Uncovering common myths around networking
  • Finding a comfortable place for yourself within the networking landscape
  • Learning from each other's experiences and perspectives  

The session aimed to keep the group as interactive as possible, by getting the team to work in groups to come up with their own elevator pitch, also allowing for the opportunity to hear insights from their colleagues. Not only this, but we had members of our leadership team explore their own personal experiences with networking and share memories of the meaningful connections they’ve made throughout their own career journeys.  

Overall, the 2022 Networking Mini Lab was an impactful session, and a great opportunity for Team Lancia to come together and take part in some holistic learning activities, as well as engage with and inspire their colleagues.

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